Child Rights and You(Child Relief and You) supported SNEHA From April-1994 To March-2005 for Child Centered Community Development Initiative. CRY supported for Early Childhood Education Centres with Supplementary Nutrition Food, Non Formal Education Centres to improve the learning levels of school going children, Bridge Schools for rehabilitation of working children, Health Awareness and Monitoring of Antenatal Care and Post Natal Care services.
Childline India Foundation supporting SNEHA From July-2012 for Childline-1098 Sub Centre-Kudligi, Ballari-District, Karnataka.
India Literacy Project supporting SNEHA From January-2003 for strengthening of Early Childhood Care and Education and Primary/Higher Primary/High School Education through Enrolment, Retention and Quality Education through community participation. At present India Literacy Project is supporting SNEHA for a project covering 65 villages in Jagalur block of Davangere district for enrollment, retention and quality education in government schools through capacity building of SDMC (School Development and Monitoring Committee), BVS (Bala Vikasa Samithi) and parents.
India Literacy Project supporting SNEHA From January-2003 for strengthening of Early Childhood Care and Education and Primary/Higher Primary/High School Education through Enrolment, Retention and Quality Education through community participation. At present India Literacy Project is supporting SNEHA for a project covering 65 villages in Jagalur block of Davangere district for enrollment, retention and quality education in government schools through capacity building of SDMC (School Development and Monitoring Committee), BVS (Bala Vikasa Samithi) and parents.
Terre des Hommes-Netherlands supporting SNEHA From January-2003 to address the issue of Devadasi system through Early Childhood Education, Health Care Programs, Socio-Economic Development Programmes. From Mar-2019, TdH-NL supporting SNEHA for a Project: Children Empowerment for GOOD[Getting Out Of Devadasi System] and Preventing further Dedications. Project is designed to address Devadasi issue in a holistic manner in Northern Karnataka with an objective to strengthen the systems by advocating with Government and Law enforcement agencies to prevent children from sexual exploitation through Devadasi system. Children entering into commercial sexual exploitation through Devadasi system could be prevented at large scale, using child empowerment and child participation as unique approach. Project is implemented by networks of Devadasi women Muktha Network in Ballari and Koppal districts, Chaithanya Mahila Sangha in Bagalkot districts, Jagruthi Mahila Sangha in Vijayapura and by Amma Foundation in Belagavi districts.